November Thankful Project

So I expect this next month will be one of the most emotional periods of my life. With hormonal ups and downs and huge changes around our home, I am sure I will be all over the place. In an attempt to stay grounded and to remain focused and grateful for all the blessings in my life, I am committing to a November Thankful Project. The basic premise is that I will be blogging daily about something I am thankful for. I hope to have photos to accompany these things... but I am keeping expectations low. ;) I'm sure I'll fall behind, I mean, I'm hopeful there will be a wonderful distraction that shows up right in the middle of the month. :) But I plan to come back and catch up as needed.

11/1/11 - November Thankful Project

Today I am grateful for the little fact that I can work from home with my feet up and my PJs on. I'm still dealing with end-of-pregnancy-swelling and there's nothing better than putting my feet up while also getting work done, as well as having the opportunity to take a break whenever I need to get up and get my blood flowing.

I seriously can't wait for the day that I can see my ankle bones again. Maybe that'll be something I'm thankful for near the end of the month. ;)

Liz Cook

Liz Cook is a wedding, birth, and motherhood photographer based in Central Virginia. Her intuition and creative perspective allow her to connect both professionally and personally with her subjects, and thus, her portfolio is saturated with authentic emotion. Whether she's sharing her story with fellow entrepreneurs or enjoying quality time with her husband and two daughters, Liz is both present and passionate about capturing and celebrating life. Her work has been featured by O "Oprah" Magazine, The Huffington Post, The Glitter Guide, Essence Magazine, domino, Rue Magazine, among others.