fresh flowers

Gratituesday: Receiving flowers

So you know my post last week about being overwhelmed? I'm kind of still there... I don't know what has been up with me but I have had a giant Attitude (with a capital A) lately. And Tommy? He has been over-the-top, incredibly patient with me. I think he may have reached the "I will do WHATEVER makes her HAPPY" point. (Yikes!) So, he ran out to the grocery store on Friday and returned home with some beautiful tulips for me (along with a week's worth of groceries :)). And they have made me so happy...

I'm so grateful for a husband who offers grace when I need it most. When he has an attitude I struggle with having patience... but when the roles are reversed he is more patient and gracious than ever. He inspires me.

Thank you, Tommy. For your love, patience, grace, and surprise gifts to help cheer me up.

Gratituesday is a weekly post I try to keep up with. Join us at Heavenly Homemakers by sharing your own Gratituesday post! 


Equipment used for these pictures:  canon 5d mark ii // canon 50mm f/1.2 lens