merry and bright

Merry and Bright!

The holiday season is in full swing around here and we are enjoying icy/rainy/somewhat snowy days with hot coffee, episodes of Daniel Tiger, and lots of twinkle lights! I'm also finishing up some final projects and delivering last minute family sessions. The off-season is almost here and you know what that means... lots of blog posts to come! I have a handful of weddings to blog and a ton of portraits from 2013. I am excited to finally share them with you guys! 

In the meantime... I'm working on a little something special for my clients. (The Christmas spirit has bit me.) The week between Christmas and New Years Eve I'll be running a contest (or 2... or 3...) with exciting prizes! I can't wait to launch it. It'll be the first contest like this that I've ever done, so we shall see how it goes!! :)

I have missed you guys! I am almost done with our Christmas gift ordering and shopping, but we're about to start alllll the wrapping. And I have got to finish addressing our cards and get them in the mail. Eeek! (If you want one, shoot me an email to with your address and I'll send you one! But you have to promise to send me one, also. :)) We also had a cookie-baking-day with some friends of ours but apparently we scheduled it wayyy too early in the season. Because I've eaten almost all of the cookies myself. Yikes!

What have been your favorite holiday activities this season??

Here's a recent favorite shot from a family session. Many more of this session and others to come in the coming weeks!! 
