pictures at the playground

Discovery | #lifewithsunday

In the past week two people I know have been diagnosed with cancer. Two healthy, strong, living-life-to-the-fullest people. In the past six months that number adds up to like, 6. Ugh... that's a lot. Cancer is a mean beast. And I pretty much hate it. So what do I do?

I turn my eyes to my daughter. Yesterday, we went to the park to celebrate the gorgeous weather. I watched her explore, discover and observe. I wanted to just be that mom holding her hand as she went down the slide and introducing her to new things… but I was so inspired by her I kept picking up my camera and pulling out my phone to snap pictures and take videos. The look on her face… the awe and wonder. It is just beautiful. I love it. I love her… I love the experiences I gain by watching her grow.

Sunday, baby... your favorite thing in the entire world (aside from nursing) is being outside and people watching. Doing both at the same time is heaven for you. I was almost brought to tears yesterday watching you discover people, colors, patterns, textures... personalities and interactions. It is the most touching thing, watching you learn. It brings me so much joy. Joy, despite the hard things swirling around us right now. You are this little light of mine. xoxo. I will always love you. Love, Mama

I am grateful for distractions. For beauty amongst the pain. For joy interwoven into the reality of living in a fallen world.