The Birth of Amelia | Lynchburg Virginia Hospital Birth Photographer


Is today really Wednesday? In some ways it feels like a Monday... in others, a Friday. I returned home last night after spending two full days in the hospital photographing two birth experiences back-to-back... and while that can feel like a lifetime, it also feels like the rest of the world should have been standing still! 

Since I'm still on my "birth-high" from the incredible birth experiences I photographed over the last few days, I thought I'd share some pictures of one of the other births I photographed recently. This mama is a sweet friend of mine and her older daughter and Sunday have lots of playdates together. One of my favorite things about watching a birth experience unfold is the unrelenting love and support from a mama's team... whether she has invited her partner, a midwife, a doula and/or her own mama to make up HER team... I simply adore observing and capturing them work for hours on end to support and encourage their laboring mama.

I love this quote:

“A woman in Birth is at once her most powerful, and most vulnerable. But any woman who has birthed unhindered understands that we are stronger than we know.” –Marcie Macari

Strength and vulnerability, together at once. It's so true.

Here is the birth story of baby Amelia through my camera lens:

Liz Cook

Liz Cook is a wedding, birth, and motherhood photographer based in Central Virginia. Her intuition and creative perspective allow her to connect both professionally and personally with her subjects, and thus, her portfolio is saturated with authentic emotion. Whether she's sharing her story with fellow entrepreneurs or enjoying quality time with her husband and two daughters, Liz is both present and passionate about capturing and celebrating life. Her work has been featured by O "Oprah" Magazine, The Huffington Post, The Glitter Guide, Essence Magazine, domino, Rue Magazine, among others.